Monday, January 23, 2023

Artificial Intelligence

 Good morning my dear students,

Today you are having ai exam. Hope you all studied well, and every one will do better today. In exam hall, 1. Read the questions carefully, Select the questions which you know answers first, draw required diagrams and try to write algorithms. 2. Use at least two color pens one for title and another for contents. 3. Start big questions in fresh page if possible, and don't mingle 2 marks questions in between big questions. 4. Write required titles and sub titles for your answers. 5. Select un know questions last, write something with required title. 6. Please mind it "no one can give marks on empty pages." 7. Plan your time and write answers for all the questions. Don't write extra questions. 8. Always give your best. By best wishes to all.😃😃

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WHAT IS MACHINE LEARNING- Machine Learning-Unit-1-20A05602T

for more information see the below video lecture.